
Parlemu Corsu concentration in defence of the Corsica's language teaching

The two demands of Parlemu Corsu (Let's speak Corsican) are:
- Generalization of the three hours of teaching of the Corsican language in all classes and all levels of secondary education. These three hours deserve to be integrated into the common core provided by the reform of high school.
- continuity of the bilingual flows from the kindergarten to the end, so that the plan for the generalization of bilingualism is evident. "There is a lot to do: we have to train teachers of other disciplines in the Corsican language, but also assign a significant coefficient to the baccalaureate of hearts."

"The Corsican language is not a foreign language, it must be considered as a discipline as fundamental as that of French. We must end the fact that the choir is an optional course," said Micheli Leccia, president of Parlemu Corsu. The organization concentrated before the rectorate of Aiacciu on February 6 in protest for the reform of the secondary school of the French government.

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