
17th Frisian radio advertising award by the Council of the Frisian Movement

On Thursday 17th January the 17th Frisian radio advertising award (Fryske radio-Reklamepriis, FRP) by the Council of the Frisian Movement (Ried fan de Fryske Beweging) was given to GGD (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst) Fryslân. 'Suitable reading' and the spot 'Discover new things in the bedroom?', got the radio campaign spot by 57% of all public votes.

The GGD Fryslân Manager GGD Frans Haenen received the famous Great Pier sculpture, the ear certificate and a check with a value of € 250, The FRP Commission referred to a statement by Nelson Mandela (1918-2013); "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, it goes into his head. If you talk to yourself in his own language, it goes in his heart!".

The Frisian Advertising Award was created to promote the use of the Frisian language in advertising publications. The FRP is an initiative of the Council of the Frisian Movement/Ried fan de Fryske Beweging. On March 14, 1995, the first FRP was awarded and was then only for radio advertising.

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