
Székelys March Demaning Autonomy

According to the chairman of the Szekler National Council (Székely Nemzeti Tanacs, SZNT), the political elite in Bucharest should "raise the bar" to respond to the demand of the Székelys.

The President of the SZNT held a press conference about the commemoration and parade of Târgu-Mureş on the day of Székely Freedom , with Zsolt Szilágyi from Kolozsvár, President of the Transylvanian Hungarian People's Party (EMNP), Krisztina Sándor, Managing Director of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) and José Mari Etxebarri, representative of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Basque National Party (EAJ-PNV).

The SZNT President stated that the protest on Târgu-Mureş on the day of Székely Freedom (March 10th) proved that the need for autonomy was constant and unbroken in Szeklerland. According to Balázs Isaák, this is because the Szeklers are the people of the order. In his view, this was also reflected in their ability to prosecute for years in order to legitimize the protest in Târgu-Mureş on the Day of Székely Freedom. He drew attention to the fact that in Bucharest there were unreported protests. According to the chairman of the SZNT, the Szekler system was also manifested as the eight thousand participants of the protest in Târgu-Mureş on Sunday marched from the obelisk of the Székely Martyrs to the city center and demanded order, autonomy.Balázs Isaák believed that the political elite in Bucharest should "raise the bar" and learn community law to be able to respond to the demand of the Székelys. "I am confident that we will receive ever higher quality responses, even if they will be refusing for the time being," he added.

According to José Mari Etxebarria, Europe must build from the bottom up and protect its identities. The European Union has quoted the word "unity in diversity": the EU must develop legal instruments to strengthen identities. “It is Europe's responsibility not to discriminate against minorities. That is why I am a supporter of the autonomy efforts of the Székely Land, ”he said.The Basque politician stated that the European Citizens' Initiative, launched by the SZNT, on national regions, could have a positive impact primarily on the Basque Country in France, and that the Basques in Spain will take part in collecting support signatures in the spirit of solidarity with their peers.

Krisztina Sándor announced that they would go to Bucharest on Tuesday to meet Ecaterina Andronescu, Minister of Education, who would take the petition of EMNT, EMNP and SZNT to support Hungarian medical training in Târgu Mureş and more than 15,000 signatures supporting it.

Video of the Rally (2019.03.19)

Participants with Szekler flags at the Heroes' Square in Budapest on March 10, 2019

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