
18th feast of the Alsatian language

This will be the 18th edition this year. Until June, there will be festivities around the Alsatian language, organized jointly by the OLCA (Office for the Language and Cultures of Alsace and Moselle) and the City of Strasbourg.

"E Friehjohr fer unseri Sproch (Spring of the regional language) asserts itself as" the "feast of the regional language. Its aim is to coordinate initiatives that are often dispersed, to bring together those who defend and love the Alsatian language at a common party, just like the music festival. In order to celebrate the regional language, the festival of Alsatian language brings together many initiatives of all kinds and throughout the region: theater, music, children's entertainment, conferences, stammtisch, guided tours ... listed on its website. Can you read on the Friehjohr organizing site.

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