
A Spanish High Court annuls the Lugo's city order on the use of Galician

The High ("Supreme" in the medieval language of the Kingdom of Spain) Court has dismissed the appeal on February 26th. It was lodged by the City of Lugo and confirms the ruling of the Galicia's High Court of Justice that annulled in 2016 several articles of the municipal ordinance that regulated the use of Galician. The complaint was presented by the Spanish supremacist association, Hablamos Español (We Speak Spanish).

In the ruling, the Supreme Court believes that some of the articles "impose" the use of Galician,  Thus, it considers irregular to proclaim that the Galician is official in an organization without mentioning expressly that Spanish is also official, as well as to conform to this language the municipal plenary sessions. Pro Galician language movements have convoked a rally in Lugo next March 6th. The Galician language is being replaced by the Spanish one. Only from 2008 to 2013 Galician speakers lowered from 46 % to 40,8 %.

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