
1st Assembly of the political Friulian movement Pact for the Autonomy, Massimo Moretuzzo re-elected as a leader

The main Friulan national party, Patto per l'Autonomia, held its first general assembly in Campoformido on December 2. Massimo Moretuzzo was confirmed secretary of the centrist movement training that has 2 seats in the autonomic parliament. PA was born less than a year ago. "We have achieved an autonomous movement in the Regional Council. We have chosen to run alone, separated from the Italian parties. Governor Sergio Cecotti, who was at the service of our cause, and thanks to the ability to knit the relationships of the members of the party, work in the territory, we had a historical result, from where we started to build the future. (...) It is a movement that wants to reconstruct a pact between the territories of this region that can give them a new value in a network logic and the recognition of specific functions and vocations, emphasizing the differences (historical, linguistic, economic, environmental ...) and transfer to the territories not only the administrative powers, but also the planning of the future and the potential We want to rebuild the Autonomous Community so that it is once again able to give a future perspective for your community and the region. Therefore, it is a priority for rebuild the specificity of the region, both in terms of skills (which must be claimed for new ones, for example, education). "

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