
The General Assemblies of Biscay approve the detachment of Basque society of the constitution and that the monarchy is an "historical and democratic anachronism"

The Spanish monarchy is an "historical and democratic anachronism". The General Assemblies of Biscay (Bizkaia Batzar Nagusiak in Basque) approved on December 26th a EAJ-PNV (Basque Nationalist Party) proposal which shows the detachment of Basque society by the constitutional pact and the need for the figure of the head of state to be elected periodically. EAJ-PNV, PSOE, EH Bildu and Podemos had each presented their own proposal on the Constitution, the Monarchy and the republic, each voting his own in the commission, while the PP voted against them all, so that the proposal of the PNV has gone ahead with its 7 votes thanks to the abstention of Podemos.

The nationalist spokesman Jon Andoni Atutxa has highlighted the "lack of majority attachment of the Basque population" to the constitutional pact as he showed that "only 30% of the Basque electoral census gave the yes to the endorsed text". He added that it is "logical" that in the XXI century citizens and citizens periodically choose the person who will occupy the head of state, an instance that, according to his group, should "enjoy the same protection as any other citizen or citizen, "and that it must" render accounts "and" be audited. "

According to a recent survey the Basque national parties will win again the majority un the General Assemblies of Biscay. EAJ-PNV is growing from 37,63 % to 43,5 % with two MPs more. Now the party has 23 over 51. EH Bildu would grow too from 18,86 to 19,6 % maintaining 11 of the 51 MPs. It means that Basque parties would have the 70 % of the seats.

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