
Frisian National Party presents new logo

In a meeting in Bolsward on January 5th, FNP party leader Johannes Kramer takes the national energy course under fire.The billions of euros in the national energy pot must become available to citizens and farmers, according to the FNP, Frisian National Party (Fryske Nasjonale Partij).

The account of the Climate Agreement is disproportionately heavy with the ordinary man and woman, he says. Just like in recent years, the FNP does not want any new windmills on the Frisian mainland. Replacement is allowed, but only within the limits of applicable zoning plans. Friesland can meet its energy requirements with offshore wind and geothermal energy, supplemented with, among other things, paneling on roofs.

The SDE + scheme (Stimulation Sustainable Energy Production) of the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate must partly be used differently, according to the FNP. There are billions of euros in it.

Kramer presented the new logo of the party in Bolsward. It will be used in the campaign towards provincial and watership elections in March, 20th. The slogan was also presented and it will be 'Foar de stim fan Fryslân' (For the voice of Friesland).

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