
Corsican Nation Party to engage in a much more offensive strategy after the blocking of discussions with the French State

On January 6th the executive council of the party met in Vivariu with a clear consensus: the Partitu di a Nazione Corsa (PNC, Corsican Nation Party) reaffirms its identity : without leaving the nationalist union (Pè a Corsica, For Corsica) with Femu a Corsica and Corsica Libera.

The approach of the local elections of 2020 with an electorate that they want to maintain and even gain some cities - "Portivechju, Corti Aiacciu, Lisula ..." - encourages the members Partitu di a Nazione Corsa with a "different approach". In the municipal approach 2020 "Our goal is to prepare the local elections under the aegis of the union of the three formations of the majority," says Jean-Christophe Angelini. To do this, the PNC decided to work on two major axes:

- The movement of yellow jackets, "which we have supported since its beginnings",

- The blocking of discussions with the French State: "We want to engage in a much more offensive strategy": Demonstrations, symbolic occupations, mobilization of the diaspora ..."

To work on these two axes, the PNC has scheduled several meetings; the first of which will take place Thursday, January 10 at 18:30 at the Theater Factory of Bastia - then in March with the general assembly of the party, where the PNC will elect its instances. In order to get in working order for the local elections of 2020.

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