
EH Bildu: no investiture without self-determination

The general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, has valued the pre-agreement of Government between Spanish Socialists and Communists in which his group becomes fundamental, in the form of a positive vote or abstention, so that the investiture goes ahead. In this sense, he has made it clear that:

- if the imprisoned politicians are not released

- and there is no pact for the right to self-determination of the Basque Country,

there will be no agreement and he stressed that the ball is “on the roof” of the PSOE and Podemos.

Otegi said on Wednesday that at this time he does not see "the open door" to an agreement to facilitate a government of the PSOE and Podemos, who must "open" with a program of "democratization."

He has clarified that they will coordinate their position with the Catalan independentists and has indicated that ERC, for the moment, is for the “no”, while criticizing that the agreement speaks of “coexistence problem” to describe the situation in Catalonia, which it is a misdiagnosis.

“There is not a problem of coexistence in Catalonia, there is a political problem, as in Euskal Herria, which is solved through the democratic exercise of the right to self-determination,” said Otegi, who added that it does not help much “talk about dialogue ", As the text does," without making a correct diagnosis. "

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