
Galician National Block Human Chain against the "exhausted" Spanish constitution

A human chain in front of the Galician People Museum in Santiago de Compostela has been held by the Galician National Block today to protest the 41st birthday of the Spanish constituition. The BNG claims the "right" of the people to change the Constitution and calls Fascist Vox party "abortion of the PP". Vox is reallu formed by former PP members. The PP was founded by Franco's ministers and is the second biggest party in Spain and the one ruling Galicia.

BNG's leader Ana Pontón has criticized the Constitution for considering it an "exhausted" framework that has not served to solve the problems of Galicia. He added that it is a text "of the privileges of a few", among which he has included the Bourbon dynasty, a "undemocratic and male chauvinist" institution.

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