
Siciliani Liberi National Assembly

The National Assembly of Free Sicilians (Siciliani Liberi) was held on July 8th in Pergusa. The independentist party dealt with many issues, including the launch in September of the political training school, directed by prof. Massimo Costa. A project that sees young Sicilian Free People involved in the front row, as underlined Angelo Priolo, deputy national coordinator of the youth group.

President Armando Melodia illustrated the proposal, approved by the Assembly, to call for the beginning of 2020 the first Sicilian free programmatic conference, which will aim to define the lines of activity related to the program, involving since its preparation not only the members but also the citizens, the organizations of the category, the stakeholders, the associations.

The president highlighted that at this moment there is an absolute need to talk about politics, precisely to get out of the dark tunnel of the "disaffection" of citizens. "We are - said the president -. And I also want to tell all those friends who continue to hope for the birth of a party that can bring together all the souls of Sicilian independence: there is no need for a new party, the Sicilian independence party exists, it exists and is called Siciliani Liberi ".

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