
Caminera Noa Assembly held in Casteddu

The assembly (assemblea plenària) of Caminera Noa, Sardinian national movement was held in Casteddu on DEcember 21st. Under the slogan “Mègius paris or ognunu pro contu suo”. After a period dedicated to several bilateral meetings in Sardigna, dozens joined the assembly of the pro independence movement. The date of the event was also chosen to facilitate the participation of emigrants.

“Each of us has its own path, its experiences, the collection of its mistakes and good results to be hoarded - declares Caminera Noa. The assembly will not be signed by any organization and will be public to guarantee the maximum participation of all those who wish, individually or as organized groups, to contribute to the construction of a new political community in Sardinia ".

Healthcare was among the topics that will be addressed in the meeting, a hot topic that sees numerous and heterogeneous subjects constantly fighting. Two days before of the event CN masked members denounced the public financial support of 60 milion € to Mater Olbia, a private hospital.

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