Thousands ralled in Majorca on December 30th to remember that Catalan troops conquered the city in 1229. The crowd claimed for self-determination. The rally was convoked by tha 31st December Platform formed by the party Més per Mallorca, as well as labor unions STEI Intersindical i Unió Obrera Balear and grassroots movements as Assemblea Sobiranista de Mallorca, Grup Blanquerna, Fundacions Darder Mascaró and Mallorca Lliure. Another block was formed by far left groups united in the Bloc d'Unitat Popular formed by Arram, Endavant (OSAN), students union SEPC, Crida per Palma, and local groups as Xítxeros amb Empenta, Moviment Alcudienc, Assemblea de Joves de Felanitx, Valldemossa que Volem, Assemblea Antipatriarcal de Manacor.
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