
1,500 form the new Venetians Party

The Venetians Party (Partito dei Veneti) was formed officially in Padova on October 19th. Grande Nord, Indipendenza Veneta, Gruppo Chiavegato, Bard (Belluno autonomo regione Dolomiti), Rete 22 ottobre (lead by the former Lega MP Flavio Tossi), Siamo Veneto, Progetto Veneto autonomo, Veneto Stato, Prima il Veneto and Popolo di San Marco form the new party. "The galaxy of Venetian movements does not exist anymore; we're united in a single party".

More than 1,500 people took part in the foundation of the party. Among them the regional MP Antonio Guadagnini. Giacomo Mirto was elected as a national coordinator. His main work will be to form lists for the next regional elections in 2020.

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